Professional Coaching
We are not just designers but are also professional certified coaches.
As ICF certified coaches, we come along side people to support their efforts to change something. What needs changing varies from person to person. It can be as simple as getting better at one aspect of their job to as complex as shifting the trajectory of an entire organization. Our job is to hold each client with unconditional positive regard, meet them where they are, and help get them to where they want to be.
We have coached clients to success with a blend of expertise in leadership development, innovation, project management, and interpersonal skills. When appropriate, the lens and tools of design thinking give the added value of discovering the right problem to solve and creating solutions that actually work.

Individual Coaching
The key tenets of individual coaching are that the coach stays in service to the client and the client always determines what happens in any given session. The primary role of the coach is to keep the client’s focus on what is important and help maintain the focus of the session. Through questions, observations and techniques, the coach moves the client toward the stated desired outcome for each session.
Coaching and Design Thinking
Most often, we will coach the leader of the team when we are facilitating a Design Thinking project. Individual coaching to improves the leader's impact and gives extra help with the mindset and paradigm shifts. It is important for the leader to build confidence within his/her role and continue the team’s success after we have finished our engagement. This is a true partnership of us helping a leader be successful with something new.

Team Coaching
Teams can always get better. Normal routines can create ruts. High stakes and change can create tension. New adventures, like Design Thinking, can create disruption to the familiar.
Coaching full teams provides the opportunity to have healthy and needed conversations. We bring specific and targeted techniques, many from Design Thinking, to help teams become higher performing and more effective.